I'm going to work my way back in time, probably because I watched the new Star Trek movie last night and I'm just going with the theme.
I found a scan from Ebay on my hard drive of the '66 program cover and it's a beaut:

No interior scans unfortunately.
Friend o' the Archive Chuck Lumb left a comment here recently about the '64 program and confirmed it was issued along with the card set. He describes it as 3 3/16" wide by 5 5/16" tall, or just slightly larger than the dimensions of the cards. No scan yet but it would have to replicate the box cover for the card set. Chuck also advises that Luis Tiant is page #35 in the program but he is card #34a in the set. Topps numbering bugaboos are old school by now!
And finally, we have a nice cover scan of the '63 program, which I found on a fabulous Pete Rose site called www.4192cards.com

That is one kickin' cover. There is an interior shot at the 4192cards.com site as well, along with a veritable plethora of Pete Rose goodies.
I'll try to scour the web for our missing covers and get back to you all shortly.
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